How to submit a proposal?
Access is granted on the basis of a simple application procedure. Applications for the Transnational Access can be submitted using on-line submission platform. The proposal content is divided into three sections:
Description of feasibility (30 points / threshold 20 points)
The feasibility assessment addresses questions such as:
Was a scientist in charge of the aimed installation contacted?
Was the feasibility discussed with scientists of this installation?
Was this scientist consulted in the preparation of the proposal?
Excellence: description of work (40 points /threshold 30 points)
Excellence addresses e.g.:
Introduction and background of the Transnational Access project
Expected impact of the proposed Transnational Access project
Previous work and existing datasets related to the project, how do they contribute to the success of the Transnational Access project
A detailed work plan
Expected outcome (30 points /threshold 20 points)
Expected outcome should address:
What type of results do you expect from the proposed Transnational Access projects?
How will this benefit the question you want to answer?
What are the expected publications?
Data management plan (how will the data (incl. raw data) be made available to the community?
Each section is evaluated and will receive points from the reviewer. Only proposals that pass the threshold value for each section can be approved.
Login to the EPPN2020 on-line submission platform to write your proposal: Submission Platfrom
Please note that there will be no further call to apply for Transnational Access projects!