EPPN 2020 Governance

The Coordinator represents the Consortium to the EC, promotes and supervises the overall technical and scientific progress of EPPN2020. He will be responsible for (i) chairing the Executive Committee (ExCom) and the General Assembly and taking all actions to enable proper decision-making by these decision bodies; (ii) ensuring operation of the project: work plan maintenance, monitoring project progress, analysing results, problems and consequences for future research; (iii) writing periodic reports on progress of the project, partner activity; (iv) submitting all required progress reports, deliverables and financial statements to the EC; (v) communicating all information in connection with the project to the Commission and (vi) transferring the advance payments and further payments to the participants as per the provisional budget and the actual expenses approved by the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is the decision-making body of the project. Chaired by the project Coordinator, it is composed of one representative per partner, each having one vote for decision making. The General Assembly will be responsible for the strategic and political orientation of the project, i.e. overall direction of all activities (research, dissemination and management) and re-orientation whenever necessary (budget revision, incorporation of new contractors, measures towards defaulting partners).
The Executive Committee (ExCom) is the decision-implementing body. In order to ensure coordination with the ESFRI project EMPHASIS, it involves countries that are partners of EMPHASIS. It is made up of WPs leaders and co-leaders and is chaired by the Coordinator. The Ex. Com. will be in charge of the operational management of all activities of the project. It will prepare the decisions to be taken by the General Assembly (description of work, budget and allocation of the contribution, etc.) and ensure that these decisions are properly implemented, integrate recommendations from the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). The Ex. Com. will also be in charge of financial management of work packages.
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is the consulting body to the Ex Com to advise about the progress of JRAs, of NAs and of the quality and quantity of access that the facilities should provide
The Industrial advisory Board (IAB) has the task to provide external points of view on the way to conduct the project to bring maximum outcomes to society/industry and to advise the consortium about how exploit the most promising results for transfer. It is composed of private companies actively involved in plant phenotyping.
The project administrative Team (IT) will assist the project coordinator to ensure the daily administrative management and handling of the project logistics for smooth-running of the project. It is made up of a project manager and whenever necessary a project administrator, both supervised by the project coordinator. The project administration team carries out a work of coordinator’s assistance with project administration tasks including i) planning prevision, preparation of meeting minutes; (ii) annual project reports preparation; (iii) financial administration (monitoring of expenses against budget allocations); (iv) individual assistance to project partners on specific administrative issues and (iv) internal project communication (including the collaborative platform implementation and maintenance).
François Tardieu
INRA - Montpellier
e-mail: francois.tardieu@supagro.inra.fr
Tel: +33 4 99 61 26 32
Project management
Bénédicte Ferreira
INTA Transfert
e-mail: benedicte.ferreira@inra.fr
Tel : +33 (0)4 99 61 27 86