The European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) has identified “Plant Phenotyping” as a priority for the European research area and EMPHASIS has been listed on the ESFRI Roadmap as an infrastructure project to develop and implement a pan-European plant phenotyping infrastructure.

ESFRI Roadmap

The strategy of the EMPHASIS project is the development and implementation of a pan-European plant phenotyping infrastructure to make it available and accessible to a wide user community in Europe.

 EMPHASIS website



EMPHASIS-PREP is a EU funded project that aims at bringing the EMPHASIS project to the level of legal, financial, and technical maturity required for implementation. EMPHASIS-PREP will provide the basis for the establishment the legal framework, the business plan and preparation of an information system for a sustainable and innovative pan-European infrastructure for plant phenotyping.

for more details

Within this prject the project partners will work  in close cooperation with the European plant phenotyping community and all stakeholders to address the four major steps of EMPHASIS-PREP:

  1. mapping (infrastructure, funders, access procedure and models, stakeholder community, e-infrastructure, imaging approaches, legal and governance scenarios);
  2. gapping - analysing the gaps and limitations based on the mapping activities;
  3. developing strategies to address the gaps;
  4. combining the strategies in a business plan for future operation of EPMPHASIS within a corresponding legal framework.


EPPN2020 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731013