Industry Engagement


On 19th of March 2021, the projects PHENOME and EPPN2020 held online a joint knowledge exchange event between the European phenomic community and industry. This event brought together 83 people from public research, plant breeding or technology provider companies.

The morning consisted of a plenary session that illustrated,  in six 15-minutes presentations, the European landscape, and the methodological advances made by EPPN2020 and by the Phenome-EMPHASIS communities in terms of sensors, imaging, statistical design, and information systems.

The afternoon was devoted to discussions and networking with the audience, around the views of industry about priorities in phenomics regarding innovation and development.

Please check the programme and the presentations here


Introduction: General context, EPPN2020 and French project - François Tardieu (INRAE, FR)

European landscape (Emphasis) - Ulrich Schurr (Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE)

EPPN2020 Trans-National Access and new opportunities in EMPHASIS - Roland Pieruschka (Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE)

Progress on Novel techniques and methods for environmental and plant measurements - Xavier Draye (Université Catholique de Louvain, BE)

Progress on Design and analysis of phenotyping experiments across multiple platforms - Emilie Millet (Wageningen University, NL)

Progress on Building a consistent Information System in the different nodes and defining standardisation strategies - Isabelle Alic (INRAE, FR)



EPPN2020 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731013