Data ownership and data sharing
The ownership and rules of release of the datasets generated during a Transnational Access will depend on categories of data. The rationale of these rules is to optimize data use and to facilitate meta-analyses.
For scientific projects, phenotypic data (e.g. images, measurements, observations) belong to the beneficiary of the access. Data will be published whenever possible, and made available either after publication or at the latest three years after the last day of the experiment. Detailed procedures will be established on this base in bilateral conventions between users and providers.
For technological projects, data will be published whenever feasible. The main results will be made available to the EPPN2020 partnership and to a broader community after publication. SMEs are not obliged to diffuse their data to a larger circle but this will be encouraged.
Four categories of data will remain the property of the providers and made available to the users:
- Environmental data collected during the experiment will belong to the provider, in such a way that this group can perform meta-analyses of environmental data over seasons and years.
- Calibration results and calibration procedures for sensors and cameras need to be analysed across experiments and years, so they belong to the provider.
- Trait recovery workflows and procedures used to extract phenotypic measurements from raw sensor data
- Experimental designs within the installation and the statistical tools to optimize them belong to providers. All this information will be made available to the users and, once published, to the whole phenotyping community.
When relevant, partners will share datasets in a publicly accessible disciplinary repository using descriptive metadata such as MIAPPE. Additional metadata will be stored and made available within a separate XML or RDF file in a standardised way by using machine readable schema or ontologies. Keywords will be added by using standardized controlled vocabularies.
It is planned to make our dataset publicly available in a disciplinary research data repository along with scholarly journal and open access publications after the primary publications, in all cases three years after the end of the experiments. All effort will be dedicated to make datasets understandable for other researchers by using standards and metadata.
This is also in the context with the Joint Research Activity 2 (JRA2) Design and analysis of phenotyping experiments across multiple platforms