Data description

The aim is that data are interoperable between platforms and that querying mechanism are standardized. All platforms will collect data in such a way that this is eventually possible, and tools will be progressively deployed in the project sites. The scientific leaders of phenotyping platforms will be responsible for managing the data and they will ensure that the data management plan is carried out.

Data categories and sources that need to be managed are:

  • Resource description and management: Information of genotype, seed, accession
  • Facilities: Installations, sensors, cameras, conveyors and specific devices
  • Trait recovery workflows: Sensor and image analysis methods and software tools used to extract traits from raw image and other data
  • Phenotypic data at plant or population level, e.g. image-based traits, phenological stages, manual measurements
  • Environmental conditions as collected by sensors (e.g. soil water status, air temperature or evaporative demand)
  • Date and description of management events (e.g. irrigation, pruning, sampling) and of observations (e.g. plant disease, accidents)
  • Characteristics of experiments e.g. design, protocol and organisation

 This is also in the context of the Joint Research Activity 3 (JRA3) ‘Building a consistent Information System in the different nodes and defining standardisation strategies’




EPPN2020 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731013