29.04.2019 - 30.04.2019 – Lund, Sweden

NordPlant - Workshop on phenotyping standards



Only a few places left for researchers outside of the five Nordic NordPlant universities!

This is a 1 1/2 days introductory workshop hosted by NordPlant and INRA on datastandards for plant phenotyping led by Célia Michotey (INRA) and Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon (INRA). It will be held 29-30 April in Lund and is open for maximum 20 participants.  Employees at the five NordPlant university have priority, but a number of places are also reserved for researchers at other Nordic Universities.

To register please send an email to Erik Alexandersson  including a short motivation why this workshop would benefit you. It is open to PhDs, post docs, university staff and researchers.

For more information please visit http://www.nordplant.org/2019/02/07/workshop-on-phenotyping-standards-29-30-april/



For more events in the field of plant phenotyping please visit the International Plant Phenotyping Network:



EPPN2020 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731013