Fridays Hands-On: A Workshop Series in Data+Plant Sciences

Fridays Hands-On: A Workshop Series in Data+Plant Sciences
An online and free workshops where invited specialists will introduce the different applications and approaches in plant phenomics. The main focus of the proposed series of workshops, called “Fridays Hands-On Workshop Series,†will be data management and analysis - often the most challenging part of digital phenotyping. Each workshop will include a short theoretical introduction followed by practical data analysis, where the instructors will guide the audience through available and open-source data, tools, and codes.
SpeakersDateWorkshopFilipe Matias 18/Sep FIELDimageR pipeline: Image analyses applied to plant breeding Mitchell Feldmann 25/Sep Quantizing and Quantifying Fruit and Leaf Shape in the Latent Space Using R Chenyong Miao 02/Oct Conducting semantic segmentation on plant hyperspectral images using Python scikit-learn machine learning library Ana Maria Heilman, Salvador Gezan, Johan Aparicio, Didier Murillo 09/Oct Coming soon … India Johnson 16/Oct Getting Started with WebODM: An Open-Source Solution to Your Mapping Problems Malia Gehan, Haley Schuhl, Noah Fahlgren 23/Oct An introduction to image analysis workflows with PlantCV Henri Chung 30/Oct Introduction to Tidymodels Yufeng Ge 06/Nov Leaf-level hyperspectral reflectance to rapidly estimate plant chemical traits Kelly Robbins & Nicolas Morales 13/Nov Getting started with ImageBreed: Managing and storing drone imagery
Preparing for the next workshop:
1) FIELDimageR pipeline: Image analyses applied to plant breeding
- install.packages(“spâ€)
- install.packages(“rasterâ€)
- install.packages(“rgdalâ€)
- install.packages(“ggplot2â€)
- install.packages(“agricolaeâ€)
- install.packages(“reshape2â€)
- install.packages(“lme4â€)
- install.packages(“devtoolsâ€)
- install.packages(“parallelâ€)
- install.packages(“foreachâ€)
- install.packages(“doParallelâ€)
- install.packages(“plyrâ€)
- install.packages(“DescToolsâ€)
- devtools::install_github(“filipematias23/FIELDimageRâ€)
- Matias, F.I. (2019). FIELDimageR Pipeline (tutorial).
- Matias, F.I.; Caraza-Harter, M.; Endelman, J.B. (2020). FIELDimageR: A R Package to Analyze Orthomosaic Images from Agricultural Field Trials. The Plant Phenome Journal. DOI:10.1002/ppj2.20005
More Information
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