Overview of selected EPPN2020 Transnational Access projects

Transnational Access projects from 39 countries, 13% from outside of Europe

EPPN2020 Videos - Experience of users

"FutureTomato - Phenotyping tomato lines with mutations in HT1 kinase in ExpoSCREEN platform"

"XEROBRANCHING - Uncovering molecular mechanisms and impact of xerobranching"

"FLAV-UP - Exploiting UV-B radiation to improve cold tolerance in bell pepper seedlings"

"DownyGrape - Assessment of downy mildew development in grapevine plants exposed to bioactive volatile organic compounds"

"GrapeVOC - Functional characterisation of downy mildew control mechanisms mediated by volatile organic compounds in grapevine"

"RooDy - Root Dynamics Under Varying Water Supply"

"Dalle_Pheno - Responses of ‘Dalle’ chili (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) to drought and heat stress"

"PHEW - Automated phenotyping platform to improve lettuce water use efficiency under different VPD and watering regimens"

"ASPEN DROUGHT - Investigating the effects of drought stress on adaptive profile of P. tremula genotypes using chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics and hyperspectral imaging"

"BARLEYshoot4DRIM - High-throughput phenotyping of barley varieties response to drought for understanding crops adaptation to arid climate"

"PhenoArHeat - Phenotyping of BPM1-mediated heat stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana"

"RAPSUN - Root Architecture of Potato Seedlings Under low N"

"AEROTOX - Using aeroponics to measure autotoxicity tolerance in crops releasing natural herbicides"

"RHIZOTOX - Characterising autotoxicity tolerance in crops releasing natural herbicides"

"Roots P.vulgaris - A high-throughput phenotyping approach for the dissection of the root structure in common bean using a population of introgression developed for the study of the domestication syndrome of pod shattering"

"SusRoot - Dissection of the root system architecture QTLome under different nitrogen regimes and evaluation of its effects on yield in durum wheat"

"BIOTECH4TOM - Phenotypic evaluation of different tomato genotypes grown under water, nitrogen and combined water and nitrogen stress"


"ELOPE - Dissecting components of early plant development in maize"

 "GSSHP - Genomics of sympatric speciation in Howea palms"

 "HTPTDWWLDS- High Throughput Phenotyping of Tunisian durum wheat landraces under drought stress"

"PoTuWa- Isohydry of potato plants and tuber water capacitance"

 "Phenotyping of SS1 mutant - Evaluation of physiological and biochemical characteristics changes of winter wheat Sucrose synthase1 (SS1) nonsense mutants during cold acclimation"


  "ResPot - Assessing the cost of resistance in potato"

 "Bananadyn - The quest for climate smart varieties: phenotyping the banana biodiversity"


PhenoTOMVOC - Can moderate drought alter the content of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of tomato cultivars affecting their susceptibility to herbivory?

 "MYCORICE - Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on drought tolerance of African rice – from physiological traits to QTL identification"


 "BAIMRoot - Drought effects on roots developmental aspects in spring barley population differentiated in the sdw1/denso locus"

 "HYPEROOTS - Testing root hypergravitropism as a trait affecting drought tolerance in barley"

 "RT_DT_L - In depth phenotyping for drought tolerance-related root traits in a lentil RIL population"

 "Roots for drought - Association of roots with grain yield under variable moisture availability in winter and spring wheat"


 "WEROOT - Characterization of Wheat gEnetic Resources with high high thrOughput rOot phenotyping to increase wheaT adaptation to drought"


 "SunDeep - Utilisation of automated phenotyping platform in examination of water sensitivity in sunflower "

"CREATOR - CO2 regulation of stomatal conductance as a tool for generation of water-saving plants"

Overview of all finalized accesses to the installation

Small Plant Facility

"BRACHY-PHENO-DROUGHT" - Linking intraspecific and intergenerational phenomic diversity of Brachypodium distachyon genotypes collected from the wild with other multi-omic variations in driving adaptation to drought
"SEEDEMERGE - Effect of soil water content on seedling emergence in small grain cereals"
"PHENO_PLOIDY - Dissecting the phenomic basis of eco-adaptation in an invasive species complex: Brachypodium"
"Moss cell water storage - Phenotyping natural Sphagnum genotypes in relation to water availability"
"RootFlow - Root phenotypes of flowering time alleles"

Large Plant Platform

"ArunEcoStress - Exploring the among- and within-species water stress tolerance of the Arundo genus by using highthroughput non-invasive phenotyping tools"
"WinterBarleyFlood - Genome wide association mapping in winter barley towards adaptation to wetter winter periods"
"Phenosuber - Phenotyping cork oak (Q. suber L.) seedlings for investigating local adaptation to long-term drought"
"FLOWroots - The architecture and development of the roots system in barley plants grown under drought conditions in relation to flowering acceleration."
"DYGRATIONIR - Dynamic measurement of leaf water content of grapevines by ratiometric reflectance NIR imaging."
"BBB-DIPIY - Bigger, better Brassica: does induced polyploidy increase yield?"
"STOMA - Characterization of salinity-tolerant Cucurbita pepo mutants "


Nutrient Flow Facility

"pH/HM on root growth - Interaction of heavy metals and pH on plant growth and root cell viability"


"HYSTORYCO2 - The influence of elevated atmospheric [CO2] on physiology and yield of wheat cultivars accounting for 60 years of northern-European breeding"
"FUTURE-LEGUME - Effects of FUTURE atmospheric elevated CO2 on LEGUME nutrition, growth and molecular profiling"
"PRIFACE - Influence of elevated CO2 concentration on potato plants, late blight resistance, and effectiveness of plant resistance inducers (PRIs)"
"HYSTORYCO2_II - The Influence of Elevated [CO2] on physiology and yield of wheat cultivars accounting for 60 years of northern-European breeding."



"Phenotypic Variation - Studying the Epigenetic Landscape of Different Populations of Arabidopsis thaliana through their phenotypic variations"
"PLC-Drought - The role of PLC in drought tolerance"
"PhenoArHeat - Phenotyping of BPM1-mediated heat stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana"



"SunDeep - Utilisation of automated phenotyping platform in examination of water sensitivity in sunflower "


"HYPEROOTS - Testing root hypergravitropism as a trait affecting drought tolerance in barley"



"WEROOT - Characterization of Wheat gEnetic Resources with high thrOughput rOot phenotyping to increase wheaT adaptation to drought"


"RootPhenAlgo - Development of a fully automated root image segmentation software"
"RHIZOTOX - Characterising autotoxicity tolerance in crops releasing natural herbicides."

"SAPHE - High throughput phenotyping of durum wheat accessions under salt stress"



"PoTuWa - Isohydry of potato plants and tuber water capacitance"

"RooDy - Root Dynamics Under Varying Water Supply"

"Root-to-Pore - How does root systems adapt to pore networks in compacted soils? – Impacts on root system architecture and energy cost of barley"

APPP-A (small plants)

"PHENOWILDMED - High throughput PHENOtyping assessment of thermal stress in early seedlings of WILD Mediterranean EDible plants"
"PHEW - Automated phenotyping platform to improve lettuce water use efficiency under different VPD and watering regimens"

APPP-B (medium-sized plants)

"Barvig - Phenotyping early vigour in barley seedlings"
"METABO-DURUM-2 - Comparative analysis of drought-induced changes in the metabolome of durum wheat leaves in the field and in greenhouse "


APPP-C (large plants)

"PHENOHORD - The Phenotypic Basis Of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) Success In a Ninety Year Long Competition Experiment"

"BIOTECH4TOM - Phenotypic evaluation of different tomato genotypes grown under water, nitrogen and combined water and nitrogen stress "
"Wheat Circadian Clock - Investigating the effect of a compromised circadian clock on the physiology of wheat"


Metabolomics Platfrom

"METABO-DURUM-OA-1 - Metabolome profiling of durum wheat leaves from field-grown accessions differing for their osmotic adjustment capacity at flowering under drought conditions "
"NORDrOme - Dissection of the metabolic response to drought stress conditions in Nordic spring wheat"
"MetaWheatSeed - GC–MS based metabolic profiling identifies changes in the winter wheat seed following Fusarium treatment"
"METABOLICoffee - How primary metabolism modulates Coffea arabica-Hemileia vastatrix interactions?"
"CoSMHyCA - Comparative analysis of Salt-induced changes in the Metabolome of Hydroponically grown cultivated Cardoon and Arundo donax "

4PMI (INRA Dijon, France)

"WIN-LEG - Within- and among variety variability of root trait responses to N availability in two forage legumes"

HiTMe (INRA, Bordeaux, France)

"BRACHYTION - Metabolic adaptation to ammonium nutrition: learning from natural variation in Brachypodium distachyon"
"PAILIM - Peach-almond introgression line metabolites"
"PAILIM-2 - Peach-almond introgression line metabolites-2"
"PAILIM-3 - Peach-almond Introgression Line Metabolites -3"
"OPTENZWHEAT - Optimization of an enzyme activity assay platform to investigate genetic variation in wheat performance at the high temperature and CO2 concentration foreseen with climate change and its dependence on nitrogen availability"
"BONE-Maize - BenzimidazOles to improve Nitrogen use Efficiency in Maize"
"STRAWHiTMe - Genomic Selection for increase flavour in cultivated strawberry"
"QUORUMETAB - Plant growth-promotion and quorum quenching activity of halotolerant bacteria: metabolomic and enzymatic approaches in tomato plants"
"FluxRace - Dissecting the effects of metabolic performance on plant growth via comparative flux analysis"
"WheatColdMetabol - Metabolite profiling in winter wheat during cold acclimation, deacclimation and reacclimation"
"ERMS - Study of the enzymatic regulation behind priming in Mycorrhiza- and Systemin- Induced Resistance "

PHENOPSIS (INRA, Montpellier, France)

"ROOTSofTOLERANCE - How does root developmental plasticity affect stress tolerance?"
"NutriDrought - Crosstalk between nutrient and drought sensing pathways in Arabidopsis"
"STOCOdrought - Long-term responses to atmospheric CO2 and drought: from stomata to whole plant water use"

 PHENOARCH (INRA, Montpellier, France)

"MYCORICE - Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on drought tolerance of African rice – from physiological traits to QTL identification"



"ELOPE - Dissecting components of early plant development in maize"



"WHEWANIGRAINNO - Genotypic differences in grain number determination of bread and durum wheat under water and/or nitrogen stress"
"SEA MAGIS - Did selection for tolerance to high plant density improve maize growth response in water stress conditions?"
"PPCCP - Plant-plant competition and canopy productivity"


PHENODYN (INRA, Montpellier, France)

"Bananadyn - The quest for climate smart varieties: phenotyping the banana biodiversity"

Pheno3C (INRA, Clermont-Ferrand, France)

"BarleyTransDrought - Transferability of genomic regions associated to drought stress tolerance from early to late developmental stages of barley"


"EDFICOImaging - Early detection of fungal infections in cowpea plants using computer vision and spectral imaging systems"



"GEORGIA - Genetics bases of root growth in pearl millet"
"INTERROOT - Exploiting the seedling root vigour and drought tolerance of Th. intermedium to improve ecological adaptability of wheat"
"TEF-ROOT - Characterization of the early stage root architecture and morphology of 25 tef genotypes from contrasting agro-climatic zones in Ethiopia – and their response to nutrient availability"


The Hounsfield Facility

"3Drootpheno - 3D phenotyping of grapevine root system architecture with x-ray computed tomography"
 "MIDLIFE - Determining the effect of mucilage on seed hydration dynamics during priming and its impact on embryo life expectancy in Arabidopsis"
"NRAMA- Novel root architecture mutants in Arabidopsis"
"MYCRA - The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on tomato root system architecture "
"PhenoVitis - In situ phenotyping of root architecture traits of grapevine rootstocks in saline-sodic soil by X-ray microcomputed tomography"

The HTP Ionomics

"Spring wheat ionomics - Ionomics analysis and evaluation of environmental and genetic variation for essential and toxic elements in spring wheat in Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia"
"CocoaCad - Genome Wide Association studies to identify SNP markers associated with cadmium uptake and partitioning into cocoa beans in Theobroma cacao L"
"CocoaCad- Phase 2 - Phenotyping cadmium accumulation in Theobroma cacao L. towards mitigation by exploiting genetic differences between varieties"
"CVI_IONOMICS - Mapping ionomic parameters in an Arabidopsis thaliana island model"
"AFRICAN_IONOME - Mapping elemental composition in a new Africa-centric worldwide panel of Arabidopsis thaliana"
"Ionomil - Roles of root traits on leaf mineral composition for improved drought tolerance in pearl millet – a combined ionomics and root phenotyping approach"
"QuaRion - Genetic basis of quality variation in grain of Vietnamese rice landraces: an ionomic approach"
"CVI_interX_ionomics - Mapping elemental profiles of leaves and seeds in a Cape Verde Arabidopsis intercross population"


EPPN2020 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731013