30.11.2021 07:00 09:00 Uhr – Virtual

Workshop: Trees & Forests Phenotyping

This workshop is organized by the IPPN Working Group on Forest Phenotyping.

Workshop – Trees and Forests Phenotyping

15-20 minutes presentation on your topic of research

Join Workshop: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81093642385?pwd=OTN3bU9LYWVQTnV6QUFyVGg1OVkwQT09



Francois du Toit, Nicholas C. Coops, T.R.H. Goodbody, M. Stoehr, Y.A. El-KassabyDeriving Branch Length and Width from ALS in a Douglas-fir Tree Improvement Trial in British Columbia, Canada

Samuel J. Grubinger, Nicholas C. Coops, Gregory A. O’Neill Individual-tree multispectral phenotyping of common garden trials of interior spruce (Picea glauca x engelmanni)

David Pont Area-based and tree-based approaches to forest phenotyping: The New Zealand experience

Lin Cao Multi-scale forest phenotyping studies for precision forestry in China's subtropical forests

Invitation to Forest Phenotyping Workshop (final) (PDF)



For more events in the field of plant phenotyping please visit the International Plant Phenotyping Network:



EPPN2020 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731013